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Since 2021

Professor of Forest Genetics at the Albert-Ludiwgs Universität Freiburg

Since 2021

Emmy Noether research group leader focusing on the (molecular) phenology of tropical tree species (started at Philipps Universität Marburg, continued at Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg)

2016 – 2021

Postdoctoral researcher in the working group Conservation Biology (Prof. Dr. Birgit Ziegenhagen), Philipps University Marburg

2013 – 2016

PostDoc in the BiodivERsA project TipTree in the working groups Conservation Biology & Department of Ecology, Philipps University Marburg

2009 – 2013

PhD in Biology at University of Ulm with Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Kalko on “Plant-animal interactions and gene flow in Neotropical rainforests”


since 2020 Associate Editor of Tree Genetics and Genomes

since 2022 Selection committee member for Georg Forster Research Fellowships (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)


Prof. Dr. Katrin Heer
+49 761 203 3647